
Saturday, 30 August 2014

Very common but, Miraculous herb - TULSI

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is very common plant found in the every house in INDIA. It is known as “the elixir of life” and promotes longevity. Because of its numerous medicinal benefits, it is worshipped in India as GODDESS. Some of the benefits of this precious plant are mentioned below -

  • Tulsi has immune-modulatory (helps to modulate the immune system), anti-tussive (suppresses the cough center, reducing the amount of cough) and expectorant properties (helps expel phlegm from the chest) that make it a great relief for coughs, cold and other respiratory disorders including chronic and acute bronchitis.
  • Tulsi possesses germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic effects to resolve fever of any origin. 
  • In case of a fever, boil a few leaves of tulsi with powdered cardamom in half a litre of water. Let it reduce to half its total volume. Mix this decoction with milk and sugar. Sip every 3 to 4 hours. This remedy is especially good for children. 
  • Tulsi is great to help one quit smoking as it is known to have very strong anti- stress compounds.
  • Tulsi possess cooling effect on the throat just like menthol drops.
  • Tulsi significantly helps to relieve headaches caused due to sinusitis, allergies, cold and even migraines. Because tulsi has pain relieving and decongestant properties. 
  • Tulsi leaves are nervous tonic and also sharpen our memory.
  • Tulsi is one of the important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It helps to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Even, chewing tulsi leaves relieve cold and flu.
  • Phytonutrients and essential oils in tulsi are excellent anti-oxidants which makes it a wonderful tonic to retain youth and avoid aging.
  • Tulsi is effective in lowering the cholesterol in the body and controls the excess B.P. 
  • It is an excellent mouth freshener and oral disinfectant. It can even prevent oral cancer in the patients chewing tobacco.
  • Tulsi also purifies the blood. When applied locally, its juice affects the ringworms and other skin ailments. 
  • Tulsi can strengthen the kidneys and quite effective in dealing with kidney stones.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Eat healthy diet, keep cancer away.

Cancer is a disease, rapidly spreading nowadays because of changes in dietary and lifestyle pattern. We have stopped consuming healthy diet. Unhealthy diet leads to formation of toxins in the body which leads to various diseases in future. These are the few dietary tips which can help to make our diet healthy.

  1. Foods having carotenoids are good for preventing cancer. Red pepper, pumpkin, carrots and green leafy vegetables like spinach & fenugreek are rich in beta carotene. 
  2. Foods having lycopene, an anti-oxidant which help in preventing free radicals are good. Lycopene is abundantly found in tomatoes, water melon, guava, papaya and grapes. 
  3. Foods having starchy foods especially potatoes contain loads of beta carotene, which has cancer fighting properties. Boiled potatoes are good for preventing prostrate cancer. 
  4. Protein rich foods especially soya milk that contains plant chemical called phytoestrogens which block the damaging affects of the female estrogen in the breast tissue. Too much estrogen can trigger cell division which can lead to breast cancer.
  5. Consumption of curd everyday can reduce the risk of breast cancer. 
  6. Mushrooms, rich in protein, helps to beat cancer.
  7. Broccoli contains cancer fighting compounds known as indoles which help to deactivate and dispose off extra oestrogen. High consumption can decrease the risk of cancer by 40 %. 
  8. Cauliflower is rich in sulphoraphane which is a cancer fighting chemical. Moreover, this vegetable is rich in fiber and helps to remove toxins out of body.
  9. Foods having omega fatty acids like olive oil is helpful in preventing cancer.  It actually contains more saturated omega fatty acids which is helpful in suppressing the growth of breast cancer. Consume olive oil at least twice a day have 25 % lower risk of breast cancer. 
  10. Ginger, it is effective in case ovarian cancer. It should be consumed by women on regular basis. 
  11. Lutein, an important anti oxidant which works to reduce the amount of free radicals in the body. It is found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and egg yolk.
  12. We should consume protective enzyme rich foods like eating plenty of seasonal fruits like raspberries and other help in reducing risk of cancer.
  13. Selenium rich foods like rice and wheat are good to prevent cancer.
  14. Vitamin C rich foods like amla, oranges, grapes, strawberries are very good to boost immunity and fight cancer.

Monday, 25 August 2014

What kind of diet we should prefer ?

Oxygen is vital for human beings. The foods that let you hold more oxygen in the body are definitely good.
Low pH reduces oxygen levels in the body. As a result, body tissues get deprived of oxygen. Hence, more acidic your body, the cells are less oxygenated. The tendency of a cell to become cancerous is increased. 
Diet should be alkaline in nature as acidic diet can lead to accumulation of toxins in the body. Lower the acidity of the body and pull out stored wastes into the blood stream so that they can be discharged from the body. We should avoid consuming diets which are acidic and enhance the intake of alkaline diet. 

ACIDIC DIET ( We should avoid)
  • Carbonate water
  • Club soda 
  • Energy drinks 
  • Pop corn 
  • Pastries
  • Pasta 
  • Beer 
  • Wine 
  • Black tea
  • Pickles 
  • Chocolate 
  • Roasted nuts 
  • Vinegar 
  • Excess sweet 
  • Low  calorie nutra sweet 
  • Distilled water 
  • Coffee
  • Sweetened fruit juice 
  • White bread 
  • Peanuts 
  • Nuts 
  • Wheat 
  • Fruit juices 
  • Most grains 
  • Eggs 
  • Fish 
  • Tea 
  • Cooked spinach 
ALKALINE DIET ( We should consume)
  • Apple 
  • Almonds
  • Tomatoes 
  • Grape fruit 
  • Corn 
  • Mushrooms
  • Olive 
  • Soybeans 
  • Peaches 
  • Bell pepper 
  • Pine apple 
  • Cherries 
  • Radish 
  • Apricot 
  • Strawberries 
  • Banana 
  • Avocados 
  • Green tea 
  • Peas 
  • Sweet potatoes 
  • Eggs 
  • Green beans 
  • Blue berries 
  • Pear 
  • Grapes 
  • Kiwi
  • Figs 
  • Dates 
  • Mangoes 
  • Papayas 
  • Spinach 
  • Broccoli 
  • Brussel 
  • Sprouts 
  • Cabbage 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Carrots 
  • Cucumbers 
  • Lemon 
  • Lime 
  • Seaweed 
  • Asparagus 
  • Onion 

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Amlaki - The wonder herb

Amla (amalaki) or Indian Gooseberry is well known for its ability to rejuvenate the body or enable the body’s maximum potential. It is classified as a “Rasayana” herb in the Ayurvedic tradition.
  • Rich quantity of antioxidants in amla protects the body from harmful effects of free radicals. 
  • Anti aging properties. 
  • Strengthens the liver and removes toxins out of body.
  • Contains essential fatty acids that help to accelerate hair growth. Massage your scalp with amla oil to have healthier and more lustrous hair.
  • Possesses anti-aging properties.
  • Known as a vrishya herb, which helps to enhance all seven tissues, including the reproductive tissue too.
  • Amla extracts can slow down the activity of osteoclasts, cells which break down the bones.
  • Help to reduce pain and swelling of joints in patients suffering with arthritis since it is anti-inflammatory.
  • Excellent for eye health as well. It improves eye sight and checks age-related macular degeneration. 
  • Relives stress and induces sleep. Massage your scalp with amla oil to induce sleep and relieve headaches.
  • Protects the nerve cells from free radical damage. Thus, prevents the diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. 
  • Boosts the immunity (self defense mechanism of the body) by removing toxins from the body. 
  • Restricts the growth of carcinogenic cells, thus prevents cancer. 
  • Low in sugar but high fiber fruit, so that it is perfect in case of diabetes. It stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete insulin. 
  • Reduce blemishes. 
  • control acne and breakouts by regularly consuming amla.

Friday, 22 August 2014

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

PCOD is a disorder in which hormones in a female are out of balance. It can cause problems with menses and make difficult for female to become pregnant. If it is not treated over time, it can lead to serious health hazards like diabetes and heart disease.

Many women with PCOS grow small cysts on their ovaries. Therefore, it is called polycystic ovary syndrome. These cysts are not harmful but can cause hormonal imbalances. Early diagnosis and suitable treatment can prevent the consequences. Ayurvedic management is known as holistic medicine as this aim to treat the person as a whole, the mind, body and spirit.

Ayurveda considers that an imbalance of three doshas which do not let a person lead happy and healthy life. PCOS is disorder which arises due to ama in the body. It is the ama which blocks the micro circulatory channels (artav vaha srotas dushti) of reproductive tract. As a result, normal functioning of ovaries is disturbed and it does not produce egg. Multiple cysts are formed in the ovary. As per Ayurveda, it is AMA only which leads to diabetes, infertility, obesity and acne which are associated with PCOS.

Causes lying behind PCOS – 
  • No exact reason lies behind PCOS 
  • Ama
  • Eating sweet foods in excess
  • Having foods which enhances kapha in body 
  • Long term disturbance in the metabolism 


Since ama is the underlying cause behind PCOS. We will target to metabolize ama in the body. Various herbs are mentioned in Ayurveda which can improve the metabolism at cellular level in the body and dissolves the ama. Along with this, we give patients the herbs like kuth, shatavar and many more which strengthen the reproductive system of female. Combine effect of the selected herbs give positive results. It lowers the circulating androgens and optimizes the ovarian function. Moreover, it supports the functions of endocrine system of the body.

Thursday, 21 August 2014


Wheatgrass is the young grass of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. It can live indoors or outdoors. Many people grow their own wheatgrass by putting wheat seeds in water and then harvesting the leaves. It is sold either as a juice or powder concentrate. It really benefits our health.

  • The most outstanding feature of the wheatgrass is its very high content of chlorophyll at about 70%. This alone makes it a super food that has a highly energizing and alkalizing effect.
  • The miracle grass also has a long list of amino acids – about 17 types of them and about 80 known enzymes.
  • Remarkably chlorophyll and hemoglobin posses same structure. Latest experiments have shown that our body can convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin effectively. Thereby, enriching the blood.
  • It leads to expulsion of toxic fats out of the body.
  • Alkaline minerals of wheat grass are essential for cleaning body tissues and maintaining the alkalinity of the blood. It helps to combat acidosis.
  • The high grade content of iron in wheatgrass juice makes it a great blood builder, thus, increases red blood cells count. It regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells and supplies fresh oxygen to the body.
  • The high alkaline properties make it the perfect choice of food for people suffering with inflammatory ailments, like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The high anti-oxidant content helps to neutralize free radicals which lead to early aging.
  • The fine chlorophyll and beta-carotene obtained from wheatgrass juice is beneficial in fighting and preventing cancer. A variety of flavonoid compounds found in this grass are powerful anti-oxidants and anti-cancer agents. 
  • It can help in loosing extra kilos because the nutrition in wheatgrass juice is so complete that it relieves your body of cravings, thus reducing the unnecessary need to overeat.
  • It boosts the immune system. Drink 1-2 ounces of wheatgrass regularly to build your immune system.
  • It helps to detoxify. Consuming this wonder juice regularly for detoxifying of the lymphatic system. It also helps eliminate the embedded fecal matter in the intestines and colon for healthier gastro-intestines.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

How to shed extra pounds

It is very important to shed extra kilos on your body. It makes you look fat and destroys your overall personality. If we follow simple dietary and lifestyle modifications, we can loose weight and look slimmer.

•Go for healthy food items; keep in mind the calorie needs of the family and the energy expenditure also.
•Too much dieting. People think that skipping meals and limiting the food choices will help you to shed extra kilos. But, this is an unhealthy approach to weight loss and may limit nutritional intake resulting in a nutrient deficiency when used long-term.
•Balanced diet. We should take balanced diet which can give all nutrients required by body.
•Low fat, low carbohydrates and high proteins may help.
•Consume excess fiber. Take plenty of salad and fresh vegetables in diet as it will help to remove excess lipids in blood.
•Take plenty of water as it will help to remove excess toxins from the body. By keeping yourself well hydrated you'll feel hungry less as well as getting a clearer complexion and shinier hair.
•Adding a regular exercise component to your overweight diet plan improves your chances of long-term weight loss success. You only lose weight by burning more calories than you consume on a daily basis.
•There are many foods out there that are proved to help you to lose weight such as chilli, green tea, berries and whole grains can do various things to help you to drop the pounds by avoiding insulin spikes and keeping your metabolic rate going.
•Consume things that have no calories. Only two things do not have calories- fiber and water. We can consume them excessively which will satisfy our appetite.
•Be active. Make personal and family time active.
•Reduce the time taken for watching T.V or computer games. Get involved in more physical activity.
•Do exercises as your personal fitness allows.
•Behavioral techniques may be useful in conjunction with diet and exercise programs to improve long-term weight loss. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a classic example which encourages you to change these behaviors and take responsibility for your lifestyle changes.
•Reduce stress as it encourages eating more in many people.
•Surya namaskaar (Sun salutation), Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), Vajraasana (Diamond pose), Shavasana (corpse pose) are good for loosing extra kilos of the body. These asanas enhances metabolism by activating liver.
•Kapalbhati (Shining Skull), Anulom-vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing), Deep Breathing, Bhastrika are good for loosing weight as they boost metabolic fire.
•One can sprinkle trikatu powder on the food to be consumed. It significantly boosts the metabolism in the body. So, it is very effective in losing weight and lowering cholesterol also.
•Amla (Indian gooseberry), Haritaki (Myrobalan), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Vibhitaka (Teminalia belerica), guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) are efficient herbs.

Saturday, 16 August 2014


Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that our body needs to function properly. Cholesterol is naturally present in cell walls or membranes in the body, including the brain, nerves, muscles, heart, skin, liver and intestines.

Cholesterol is the steroid lipid found in the outer cell membranes of all body tissues. High cholesterol level in the body can cause arterial disease or coronary heart disease.

Good or bad cholesterol 

LDL known as bad cholesterol comprises about 70% of the cholesterol that circulates in the bloodstream. It comprises most of fat which then tends to get deposited in the arteries creating plaques. This leads to atherosclerosis which means hardening and narrowing of the arteries, a large risk factor for heart disease.
HDL cholesterol is considered as good cholesterol because its primary role is to transport LDL's back to the liver where it is disposed. HDL comprises of mainly protein and makes up about 20% of the cholesterol in the body. It helps to prevent atherosclerosis by preventing LDL cholesterol from depositing and forming plaques in the arteries.

From the perspective of Ayurveda, cholesterol is developed from ama (toxins). Ama, is a kind of metabolic left overs that accumulate like toxins in the body. Simply saying, ama is the sticky and foul smelling waste product of improper digestion, which can block the circulatory channels of the body, such as arteries.


High cholesterol levels are due to a variety of factors including excess weight, heredity, mental stress, high alcohol, smoking, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Signs and symptoms

High cholesterol is a risk factor for other illnesses and does not cause specific symptoms. Routine screening blood examination may reveal elevated cholesterol levels in the blood.

 Ayurvedic treatment

Various ayurvedic herbs like kachur, kutki, dalchini and many more which can enhance the metabolism in the body, are good for lowering the high cholesterol in the body.

Ayurvedic health supplements should be taken to keep the cholesterol in check and also to maintain the healthy functioning of heart. These natural supplements enhance metabolism through liver. It lessens the production of ama (toxins) producing cholesterol. Also, helps in clearance of LDL (Low Density Lipids) from the blood stream. Consequently, reduces the chances of cardiovascular disease.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Yoga for delicate organ of body - The Heart

Yogic lifestyle can help prevent and cure cardiovascular heart diseases. Proper lifestyle and diet play a key role in managing and avoiding heart disease. Yoga plays a vital role in eliminating the negative impacts of modernization these days. When one follows yoga in their daily routine, it will definitely help to stop the progress of cardiac diseases. The physical activity in yoga enhances cardiac health and promotes a feeling of well-being.

Asanas like tadagasana (pond pose), shavasana (corpse pose) and vajrasana (diamond pose) are good for maintaining the health of cardio-vascular system. It is very useful for all stress related disease, fatigue, high blood pressure, heart complaints, stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Pranayamas like anulom-vilom (alternate nostril breathing), deep breathing, shitali Pranayama, ujjayi or psychic breath are good for heart care. As pranayama induce a flow of divine energy in the body. Shitali pranayama is excellent to cool down the body as it eliminates the pitta. Moreover, if you are stressed then 10 minutes of ujjayi breath can re-energies you. So this pranayama is very effective for relaxation of body and mind.

Meditation is also good for keeping the mind relaxed. If your mind is relaxed, you can fight any physical or mental problem.

We should follow yogic exercises daily so as to bring calmness at physical, mental and spiritual level. We can avoid heart ailments if we are away from worries. Yoga is the best way to get rid of tension.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Wonder Benefits of Herb AMLA (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla (amalaki) or Indian Gooseberry is well known for its ability to rejuvenate the body or enable the body’s maximum potential. It is classified as a “Rasayana” herb in the Ayurvedic tradition.

  • Rich quantity of antioxidants in amla protects the body from harmful effects of free radicals. 
  • Anti aging properties. 
  • Strengthens the liver and removes toxins out of body.
  • Contains essential fatty acids that help to accelerate hair growth. Massage your scalp with amla oil to have healthier and more lustrous hair.
  • Possesses anti-aging properties.
  • Known as a vrishya herb, which helps to enhance all seven tissues, including the reproductive tissue too.
  • Amla extracts can slow down the activity of osteoclasts, cells which break down the bones.
  • Help to reduce pain and swelling of joints in patients suffering with arthritis since it is anti-inflammatory.
  • Excellent for eye health as well. It improves eye sight and checks age-related macular degeneration. 
  • Relives stress and induces sleep. Massage your scalp with amla oil to induce sleep and relieve headaches.
  • Protects the nerve cells from free radical damage. Thus, prevents the diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. 
  • Boosts the immunity (self defense mechanism of the body) by removing toxins from the body. 
  • Restricts the growth of carcinogenic cells, thus prevents cancer. 
  • Low in sugar but high fiber fruit, so that it is perfect in case of diabetes. It stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete insulin. 
  • Reduce blemishes. 
  • One can control acne and breakouts by regularly consuming amla.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

KSHAR- SUTRA (Ayurvedic surgical treatment for piles & fistula)

Kshar-sutra ligation is quite famous and result oriented procedure which involves ligation of medicated thread in fistula in ano or internal piles. Various researches have been done over this procedure. It suggests that it involves the action of excision, scrapping, penetrating, debridement and healing too. It is antiseptic also.
Kshar Sutra" (क्षारसूत्र) is a Sanskrit phrase in which Kshar (क्षार) refers to anything that is corrosive or caustic; while Sutra (सूत्र) means a thread. The Ksharsutra was first mentioned by the "Father of Surgery" Sushruta in his text named SUSHRUT - SAMHITA for the treatment of Nadi Vrana (sinus), Bhagandara (fistula- in - ano) and piles.

Kshara-sutra is a medicated thread which is prepared by applying the coatings of apamarg kshara, haridra churna with snuhi ksheer as binding agent. There are about 21 layers of medicine over it.
In case of piles, Kshar sutra is ligated around the pile mass. This pile mass shed off within 7-10 days. Along with this, herbal laxatives are prescribed to ease the motion. It is very simple procedure and bears no complication. It prevents the recurrence of the pile at the same position in the anal canal.

In case of fistula, Kshara sutra was the novel idea of drug delivery along the whole length of the fistulous tract by the ancient surgeons. During kshar-sutra therapy, there is debridement and cutting of the tissues followed by healing. The kshara selectively acts on the unhealthy tissues, and pus pockets. Then, healing starts from deeper tissues and travels towards periphery in stages. The sutra is changed after every 7 days till the full healing occurs.

The postoperative complications like recurrence, fecal incontinence and bleeding are not seen with kshara sutra treatment. Further this surgery can be performed as a minor procedure on OPD basis.  No general anesthesia and hospitalization are required. Patient can maintain his/her daily routine activities as earlier. Procedure takes very less time. Ayurvedic surgeons offer better cure rates for fistula- in- ano as compared to modern surgery.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Targets of treatment in Arthritis

When the metabolism in the musculo-skeletal system of the body is disturbed, persons are suffered from arthritis, cervical spondylitis and many more types of arthritis.  Moreover, as age progresses this condition worsens.

In Ayurveda, we target the following -

  1. DETOXIFICATION - Various herbs are mentioned in Ayurveda, help to expel the toxins out of body. These toxins accumulate in the joint spaces and lead to immense pain, stiffness and inflammation. 
  2. BOOST THE IMMUNITY – Immune system has great capability to heal itself. We just need to boost the immune system and make it intelligent to differentiate between self and non-self.
  3. TREAT AMA – To minimize the ama in the body, we need to enhance the metabolism at cellular level.  When the metabolism is increased, it reduces the amount of ama in the body which is the root cause of diseases. Chitrak, sonth, marich and pippal  are really good for enhancing metabolism.
  4. STRENGTHENING THE BONES – Various herbs have specific action in bone metabolism in the body. As a result, it increases bone mass and density. It thickens the cartilage, ligaments and tendons. It provides strength to bones and joints. It checks the degeneration of bone tissue and promotes regeneration in the body.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Boosting immunity in kids

Immunity can be compared to OJAS.  According to Ayurveda, ojas is the vital energy of the body. It has been considered vital in the defense mechanism of the body. Any food that transforms quickly into ojas is good for immunity. If food tends to create ama, it leads to depletion of immunity.

According to Ayurveda, Kalaja Bala is a kind of immunity related to time.  It depends upon the time of day,
season, and one’s age. Strength is more in early morning, spring season and youth than in evening, summer and old age. Up to 16 years of age, our body is dominated by kapha dosha which imparts good immunity to the body. But we just need to maintain that immunity level through daily routine or by using supplements. We all have maximum vital energy in youth level. As the age grows up, immunity depletes.

Suvarna prashan is mentioned in Ayurveda to enhance the immunity of children. It is one of the most important. Ayurvedic oral vaccinations which have to be compulsorily administered to every child. The process in which Suvarna bhasma (purified ash of gold) is administered with fortified ghee prepared with herbal extracts and honey in liquid or semisolid form. It can be given up to age group of 0-16yrs. It can be done daily early in the morning or at least on every Pushya nakshatra, an auspicious day which comes after every 27 days. If suvarna prashana is given on this day it provides excellent benefits.

  • One can go for healthy and easy to digest foods. It includes whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and light dairy products. For example – apple, pineapple, pomegranate, papaya and mangoes.
  • Avoid foods that are processed, frozen or packaged as they are harder to digest. Intake of such 
  • food items creates ama (toxins) which has negative impact over the immunity.
  • Flavor the food with spices as they tend to boost the immunity. If you add mild spices to vegetables, grains and legumes while cooking, the food will convert more quickly to ojas.
  • When we cook the food, it becomes easily digestible. But you should not cook it too much as it can 
  • lower the immune-boosting effect.
  • Encourage the child to have meals at a proper time. Consume your main meal in the middle of the day, 
  • when sun is highest and digestion is strong. Eat lighter at breakfast and at night, when digestion is weaker. Good digestion yield nutrients from the food we eat. Thus, it will boost immunity.
  • Eat food in proper quantity. Consuming right amount according to body type - not too much or too 
  • little - enhances ojas and supports the immune system.
  • Go for exercise (Vyayama). Doing exercises daily for around 50% of your exertion capacity enhances digestion, fastens tissue metabolism and boosts immunity.
  • In Ayurveda, various ras-rasayana (tonics) which provides power to the body and fights diseases. 
  • Chawanprash, amlaki rasayana, giloy, chitrak haritaki aveleha, triphla with honey, brahmi, shankhpushpi and yashtimadhu  medicines provide energy to the body to fight germs and enhance immunity.
  • One can spice up the milk of children with dalchini or elaichi as it makes milk easily digestible. 
  • Moreover, it has warming effect over body to prevent from cold and flu.
  • Consuming foods having all tastes promotes immunity.
  • Regular use of cow milk and ghee (clarified butter) boost up immunity in kids.
  • Consuming amla as it bears rejuvenating action over the body’s immunity.
  • Encourage the child to speak truth always. It will strengthen the inner power of the body.
  • Encourage to not suppress the natural urges as it helps to balance the doshas in the body.
  • Do not consume contradictory food articles at the same time. For example - milk should not consume with green vegetables, onion, sour fruits and salty food articles. If these are taken together, it will produce toxins in the body.
  • Teaspoon of honey in the milk boosts immunity in kids and adults as well.

Especially in winter

  • Since honey is yogvahi. One teaspoon can be taken on empty stomach to combat toxins. Moreover, honey can balance anions and cations in our body. So, prevent us from the harmful effect of free radicals.
  • Tulsi or adarak can be used in medicated tea.
  • One can mix 5-6 leaves of tulsi (Indian gooseberry), 5-6 kali mirch (black pepper) granules and 
  • honey. Consume this mixture once or twice a day.
  • Consume khajur, around 1-5 pieces daily are enough to boost immunity.
  • Intake of pudding prepared from besan and ghee. 
  • One can add sonth, kalimirch, dalchini , tejpatra and lavang to it. Do consume hot milk after this. It is very old remedy to relieve cold and flu. 
  • Consume sitopaladi churna along with honey twice daily to relieve cough and cold.
  • One can consume ladoo prepared from wheat flour and ghee. Various nuts, mashmelon seeds, kishmish, chuara, alsi seeds can be added to enhance immunity.
  • Garlic fights infection and bacteria. It is rich in antioxidants. It is one of the easiest options to be included in diet.