Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is very common plant found in the every house in INDIA. It is known as “the elixir of life” and promotes longevity. Because of its numerous medicinal benefits, it is worshipped in India as GODDESS. Some of the benefits of this precious plant are mentioned below -
- Tulsi has immune-modulatory (helps to modulate the immune system), anti-tussive (suppresses the cough center, reducing the amount of cough) and expectorant properties (helps expel phlegm from the chest) that make it a great relief for coughs, cold and other respiratory disorders including chronic and acute bronchitis.
- Tulsi possesses germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic effects to resolve fever of any origin.
- In case of a fever, boil a few leaves of tulsi with powdered cardamom in half a litre of water. Let it reduce to half its total volume. Mix this decoction with milk and sugar. Sip every 3 to 4 hours. This remedy is especially good for children.
- Tulsi is great to help one quit smoking as it is known to have very strong anti- stress compounds.
- Tulsi possess cooling effect on the throat just like menthol drops.
- Tulsi significantly helps to relieve headaches caused due to sinusitis, allergies, cold and even migraines. Because tulsi has pain relieving and decongestant properties.
- Tulsi leaves are nervous tonic and also sharpen our memory.
- Tulsi is one of the important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It helps to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Even, chewing tulsi leaves relieve cold and flu.
- Phytonutrients and essential oils in tulsi are excellent anti-oxidants which makes it a wonderful tonic to retain youth and avoid aging.
- Tulsi is effective in lowering the cholesterol in the body and controls the excess B.P.
- It is an excellent mouth freshener and oral disinfectant. It can even prevent oral cancer in the patients chewing tobacco.
- Tulsi also purifies the blood. When applied locally, its juice affects the ringworms and other skin ailments.
- Tulsi can strengthen the kidneys and quite effective in dealing with kidney stones.
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