Yoga is so much more than just an alternative form of exercise. Research shows that practicing yoga (including poses or asanas, pranayama and meditation) promotes an alpha brainwave state, which is well known to lower down the blood pressure. It is a great way of releasing stress at physical level, but mental and emotional level too. Stress and anxiety play a major role for raising the blood pressure.
Yoga benefits high blood pressure through following ways -
Generally speaking, postures that do not invert the body are beneficial for people with high blood pressure. The restorative yoga asanas are particularly beneficial for reducing stress and lowering blood pressure naturally. You can go for yogic postures which put the spine in a horizontal position and allow the heart to slow down.
Asanas like tadagasana (pond pose), upavista konasana, trikonasana (triangle pose), veerasana (warrior pose) and vajrasana (diamond pose) are good for lowering high blood pressure.
Pranayama like deep breathing, anuloma-viloma (alternate nostril breathing), ujjayi or (psychic breath) and shitali pranayama are good for lowering high blood pressure. It helps in reducing the anxiety, depression and other mental illness. Also, it reduces hyperactive disorders related to mind. All kinds of asana and pranayama should be done with great caution in hypertensive people. Don’t make fast breath as it may lead to harmful effect. Inhale and exhale very slowly. Meditation also contributes to lower high blood pressure as it lowers the tension over mind. It let us feel relaxed.
With the help of yoga, we can surely keep ourselves calm and quiet.
Yoga benefits high blood pressure through following ways -
- Promotes relaxation of body and mind as well
- Reduces the harmful impacts of stress like tension, shallow breathing and elevated heart rate
- Strengthens the body and make it flexible
- Helps in shedding extra kilos
Generally speaking, postures that do not invert the body are beneficial for people with high blood pressure. The restorative yoga asanas are particularly beneficial for reducing stress and lowering blood pressure naturally. You can go for yogic postures which put the spine in a horizontal position and allow the heart to slow down.
Asanas like tadagasana (pond pose), upavista konasana, trikonasana (triangle pose), veerasana (warrior pose) and vajrasana (diamond pose) are good for lowering high blood pressure.
Pranayama like deep breathing, anuloma-viloma (alternate nostril breathing), ujjayi or (psychic breath) and shitali pranayama are good for lowering high blood pressure. It helps in reducing the anxiety, depression and other mental illness. Also, it reduces hyperactive disorders related to mind. All kinds of asana and pranayama should be done with great caution in hypertensive people. Don’t make fast breath as it may lead to harmful effect. Inhale and exhale very slowly. Meditation also contributes to lower high blood pressure as it lowers the tension over mind. It let us feel relaxed.
With the help of yoga, we can surely keep ourselves calm and quiet.
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