
Saturday, 28 June 2014

Ayurvedic approach to coeliac disease

In the recent study, conducted at the P.G.I, Chandigarh, It has been found that the patients of celiac disease (Wheat allergy) are increasing day by day. Earlier it has been predicted that it affects in childhood only but many adults are also complaining the same.

Patients suffer undue worries and stops eating wheat. He accepts this hard truth. Consequently, body gets deprived of essential nutrients and the condition worsens.

According to Ayurvedic point of view, less production of digestive enzymes from liver is the main cause of the disease. Apart from this, weakness of intestinal lining also leads to symptoms of the disease. It can happen at any age.

Patient worries a lot and forgets to understand the exact cause of disease. In such cases, one should go for self - analysis. What the change had happened at mental or physical level which leads to the decreased production of digestive enzymes from liver and weakness of intestinal lining.

So, we should try to enhance the power of liver so that it can produce sufficient quantity of digestive enzymes. If the food is digested properly, nutrients will nourish the body organs very well. It provides energy to stomach and intestines, and enhances their work efficacy. In this way, Ayurveda do not control but cures the disease and attacks the root cause of the disease.

Friday, 27 June 2014


Stress is our reaction to the external stimuli that disturbs our physical and mental balance. It is simply in our hands, how to react to a particular situation.


Anything whether it is positive or negative stimuli that disturb the harmony of mind and body is termed as stressors and can lead to stress. Stressors disturb the metabolism of nervous tissue. As a result, Excess activity of nervous system produces stress hormones (toxins) are produced. Consequently, vitality of the body is impaired and ojas (vital energy) diminishes. Physical, emotional and behavioral changes occur.


When we are stressed, various changes occur at physical, emotional, behavioral and cognitive problems occur.

  • Blood pressure rises
  • Breathing becomes more rapid
  • Digestive system slows down
  • Heart rate (pulse) rises
  • Immune system goes down
  • Muscles become tense
  • Sleep decreases (heightened state of alertness)

Why Ayurvedic treatment?

Allopathic treatment for stress emphasizes on anti-anxiety drugs which calms down our nervous system and leads to sedation. But in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, we emphasize on strengthening the nervous system which enhances the inner capability of the body to fight stress. It maintains the metabolism in nervous tissue and prevents the formation of stress hormones. Along with this, immunity enhancing herbs regains the lost immunity of the body and prevents from harmful effects of stress. In today’s era, everyone is undergoing stress. So, we can add herbal supplement in our daily life to combat stress.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014



Nowadays, many doctors those who are practicing allopathy even suggest many Ayurvedic medicines for their patients. It is pure natural or herbal method of treatment. It  is very popular these days as an alternate medicine.

  1. Ayurveda is pure natural - Modern day medical sciences understand the value of being natural. It does not provide any natural aid for body. But Ayurveda is completely natural and it believes that to follow the nature is the only way to achieve the complete wellness.
  2. Maintenance of good health - Ayurveda provides the measures to maintain the health of healthy people like yoga, daily regimens (din charya), seasonal regimen (ritu charya) and pathya - apathya. Ayurveda guides us to adjust our lifestyle according to change of seasons. By following this, we can be fit and lead a healthy life.
  3. Elimination of root cause – Allopathy focuses on symptomatic medicine.  In this system, the diseases are treated with drugs which are suppresses symptoms only. But Ayurveda provides us with the knowledge of how to prevent disease and eliminate its root cause.
  4. No Side effects in Ayurveda - But the major difference between them lies is the period of curing the illness. Ayurveda comparatively consumes more time to cure, whereas allopathic treatment cures the diseases within a short span of time. But, allopathic treatment may cause side effects.
  5. Prevents the recurrence of the disease - As modern sciences believe in suppressing the signs and symptoms, they never appreciate to remove cause from body. In allopathy, they believe to hide the garbage under good skin. But, Ayurveda considers the detoxification as a primary part of the treatment, where it attacks the root cause - Toxins. It believes in the complete eradication of the disease.
  6. Ayurvedic medicine can be taken for long time - Allopathic medicines are given in heavy dose for common are 500 mg for immediate result which is harmful for organs like kidneys and other organs. Long time use of Allopathic drugs may damage organs like liver or kidney. Ayurvedic medicines are very light on body and can be consumed for long time.
  7. Ayurveda treats both the patient and disease – According to allopathy, pathogens like virus or bacteria cause disease and medicines are applied to kill them only. Allopathy treats the disease only, not the person. Same disease in different patients is treated with same medicine. According to Ayurveda, Diseases occur due to the vitiation of tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha). Thus, same disease in different persons will be treated in a different manner in Ayurveda.
  8. In Ayurveda, health is a complete package - Allopathy has become a bio-engineering and bio-mechanical system of medicines where they believe to replace/change of the organs or systems in name of treatment, not much worried about the cure. But, Ayurveda stresses upon complete health package including physical, psychological, spiritual, economical and social health as well. 

Friday, 20 June 2014


Heath status in younger life determines the health of individual in the life ahead. So, If a mother follows specific regime and give birth to a healthy baby, then she can surely gift precious good health.

Ante natal care means the care for the pregnant woman and product of conception. It is of prime importance if you want normal healthy child. If a woman desires a son of tall, robust personality, fair complexion, endowed with qualities of goodness, then she should follow few instructions.

After cessation of menstrual flow, on the 4th day of period, after getting purified and taking bath, she should purely emphasize on white color in the lifestyle or food. She should consume the flour of parched white barley with honey and ghee, mixed with milk from white cow only. It should be taken in silver utensils only for a week. In the morning, she should consume diet containing Sali rice, barley, curd, honey, milk or ghee. In the same way, consume in evening also.

Lifestyle means to wear white clothes and white jewelry only which will calm down the mind and surroundings. She should stay in white house, sleep on clean white bedding, sit on white seat and drink white milk. She should travel in a white colored vehicle or it should be covered with white colored sheet. Same regime should be followed in morning and evening. White color emphasizes on coolness of mind. Whatever she is doing that is according to her will. Her friends and relatives are taking care of her and telling entertaining stories just to keep her calm. She should look at persons with pleasant personality. Couple should not indulge in coitus during this period. Continue this regime for 7 days.

On the eighth day, husband and wife should take bath, wear white clothes and ornaments. After that they should go for putreshti  yajna. After that they should consume food items white in color or white rice mixed in milk. Then, they should indulge in coitus with pure heart. By following this specific mode, the born child is endowed with the goodness of nature, health, complexion and purity.

Doing all above regimes removes the defects in the ovum and sperm of the couple. It should be practiced regularly till you achieve the goal. Childless couples or couples with frequent abortions should definitely go for this regime. It is really fruitful.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Say GOOD BYE to lifestyle disorders

Nowadays, we are suffering with lifestyle disorders as we do not follow proper daily or seasonal regimen. Our lifestyle is completely disturbed. We are involved in bad eating habits and improper sleep pattern. Biological clock gets disturbed. The functions of various systems in the body get disturbed. As last, our body does not function properly and suffer with lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda teaches us the way of life. Ayurveda recommends having next meal after the previous meal is digested. But we keep on munching when we wish. We don’t care about the timings or gap between the two consequent meals. This disturbs the digestive power of body and leads to formation of ama (toxins). Accumulation of toxins over a period of time leads to many diseases. Following proper diet and lifestyle modifications can help to get rid of lifestyle disorders. Everyone should have a regular sleeping schedule for about 8 hours of sound sleep each night and rising early in the morning. Do regular exercises and engage in other dietary changes according to seasons. Moreover, first aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy individual and prevent the diseases. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol and many more are lifestyle disorders. Sedentary lifestyle is the key reason to all such disorders. By doing regular exercises, yogic asanas and pranayama, we can maintain the various systems of body to work efficiently. In Ayurveda, daily regimens (din charya) and seasonal regimens (ritu charya) are mentioned which when followed properly can surely help in lifestyle disorders. Various precious herbs TARGET TO MAINTAIN THE CELLULAR METABOLISM IN BODY  and can cure many diseases.  

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


We are encountering many lifestyle diseases theses days like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular health problems and many more. If we keep control over our diet and lifestyle, we can avoid many ailments. 

Unfortunately, if you suffer from any disease, don’t tag a disease in your life for ever but try to improve metabolism by all means. Metabolism plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Every herb on this earth has the power to improve metabolism. Just we need an effort to select the relevant herb and get rid of the particular disease.

On this planet earth, we are gifted with precious herbs possessing anti aging, immune boosting, detoxifying and rejuvenating properties. We can use them in our daily life as dietary supplement to prevent from diseases.

Every system in the body is improved by specific herbs. Herbs affect the cellular metabolism of a particular system and enhance its working efficacy. Consequently, prevent the further damage to the system.

Herbs bring vitality in the body at cellular level. This further induces vitality at very minute level in genes. Consequently, these herbs possess great effect on the genetic level and make our genes healthy. If we have healthy genome, we can progress into healthy individual without any disease. With the evolution, we can gift good health to our future generations also.

Thus, we don’t need to depend on medicine throughout the life to keep our body going. We can get rid of diseases in our life with the use of precious herbs.  And we can gift good health to our younger generation also.

Get complete rid of diseases by AYURVEDA

If we will target the sign and symptoms of disease, we will never get complete cure. It only subsides the physical problems in body. But the root cause remain untouched. So, to get complete cure, attack the root cause of any disorder. 

It is a vicious circle which is created. We should break it with caution. We should try to build the immunity (Vital energy) and corrects the metabolism simultaneously, to get complete rid of disease.

  • Every system of body is connected. If one system is affected, it will definitely affect the other.
  • Prime important process going on in body is METABOLISM found in every living cell.
  • Prime place for metabolism is LIVER. But, if it is sluggish, then, it will certainly affect other systems sooner or later depending on the vitality (immunity). 
  • Persons with low immunity will get diseases sooner and with good immune power will get diseased later. 
  • If we will suppress the signs and symptoms of disease only, then we can never get complete rid of it.
  • But, if we support the metabolism and immunity, we can boost our body to fight any disease and get rid off. 

Cancer Treatment and its Result through Ayurveda

Ayurvedic approach for cancer

CANCER is a class of diseases characterized by out of control cell growth. There are over 100 types of cancers. Each of which is classified by the type of cell initially affected.
Ancient Acharayas were not unaware of this disease as they named it ARBUD (TUMOURS). In Ayurveda, we approach to enhance the vitality, immunity and strength in the body to fight the disease.
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are considered traditional treatments these days. Researches are going on specifically to boost immune system to fight cancer. For decades , scientists assumed that cancer was beyond the reach of body’s natural defenses but now they believe that immune system can be trained enough to eliminate this disease.
In latest researches, scientists are following IMMUNOTHERAPY. They are giving medicines or injections to enhance the immunity in the body of cancer patient so as to prepare it to fight itself. They have found positive results.

Immunotherapy via Ayurveda.

In ayurveda, we have very precious natural herbs to treat cancer by stimulating immune system. These herbs enhance the built in memory of immune system. Thus, immune system becomes intelligent enough to fight the cancer cells and eliminate them. Moreover, it boosts the healthy cell growth.
We have encountered many cases of cancers like Ca Breast, hepato-cellular carcinoma, Ca throat, brain tumor and many more. All such cases have disappointment from well equipped cancer hospitals.

Case Study 

We would like to discuss a latest case which we came across. A male patient, age was 55 years, was suffering with Ca tongue. He was presented with swelling, bleeding from affected part and immense pain.  He was kept on detoxifying and immune boosting medicines. His symptoms of pain subsided with in 2 months only. He was given ama vatari ras , pippali, bidang, kanchnaar guggulu, daru haridra, rudanti bhasma  and manjistha. Now, he is feeling better and recovered out of this dreadful disease.

In case of cancer, we target the favorable conditions like stress, lack of energy, heat, prana, oxygen, toxins and acidic environment with precious herbs and achieve POSITIVE RESULTS.

(Since, we have cut the nutrition pipeline of cancer cells) Cumulative effect of Ayurvedic management forces cancer cells to stop its growth & remain in dormant stage.

For More Information and consultation:
Dr Bhupinder K Gupta
+91-172-2733314 (10am-2pm, 5pm-8pm IST)
Bhartiya Health Care
Manimajra, Chandigarh

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Lets think for a moment - what could lead to every disease ?

Human body is composed of tiny units called cells. Single improper brick in a big wall can damage the building even. Similarly, if a problem happens at cellular level that has the ability to progress into big disorder comprising one system or many systems of body.

Human body gets nutrition from the food we eat which leads to the formation of nutrients and toxins (waste products) which needs to be flushed out.  When the metabolism of body is not proper (low or high), more toxins are formed. Consequently, at cellular metabolism (catabolism or anabolism) in body, various toxins are formed which are accumulated in the body as age progresses.

At some stage in life, when more toxins and less nutrition, leads to weakened body with low immunity. When our self defense mechanism is not working properly, we can suffer.

It has been clearly mentioned in Ayurveda that improper metabolism leads to the formation of ama (toxins) which is the root cause of diseases. This ‘Ama' is then carried by ‘Vayu' and travels throughout the body and accumulates in the weak areas of the body. Accumulation of toxins over time clogs the micro circulatory channels, decreases ojas (immunity) and cause ill –health.

Ultimately, improper metabolism & lack of immunity leads to every disease at physical, mental and spiritual level. 

Thursday, 5 June 2014


No matter what your age, sleeping well is essential to your physical health and emotional well-being. Absolute insomnia cannot be tolerated for more than a few days. Resistance is quickly brought down and psychological symptoms like hallucinations and delirium occur.

Factors that hinders the sleep are -

  • Stress and emotional strains
  • Pain
  • Poor habits 
  • Dementia which leads to confusion for  day and night schedule for the sufferers 
  • Medications like anti hypertensive, anti-depressants affects the quality of sleep. The most common medications with stimulative properties are prescribed for breathing problems and prostate health. 

Everything that's alive needs sleep to survive. Even though people have different sleep requirements, most healthy adults require around 8 - 9 hours of sleep per night. As we age, we tend to sleep less. Seniors sleep less even when allowed more sleep because of age-related physiological changes that affect the ability to fall asleep and remain asleep.

When we get too little sleep we feel lethargic, sluggish and dizzy too. Long-term sleep deprivation is a kind of mental torture. Many studies indicated that leaving without sleep is similar to being intoxicated. Benefits of sleep are -

  • Sleep allows our body to rest for the next day.
  • Sleep, a good mood and performance are directly related. 
  • Anyone who starts their day after a restful night is better able to concentrate on work and feels more balanced. 
  • Sleep is the time when our body repairs the wear and tear in the tissues.
  • It stabilizes our waking brain, makes us more alert and allows us to process information faster.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Nutrition is the supply of material and food required by cells in the body to stay alive. According to human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods. Simply nutrition means consuming balance diet. A healthy eating plate contains -
  • Healthy oils like olive oil or more 
  • More vegetables 
  • Plenty of fruits and salad 
  • Plenty of water 
  • Tea or coffee in limited quantity with less sugar
  • Eat whole grains like wheat, brown rice, brown bread  
  • Avoid refined grains like white rice and white bread 
  • Healthy protein diet like fish, poultry and beans. Avoid red meat or other processed meat.
  • Consume nuts also.
  • Consume milk for 1-2 servings per day
Childhood nutrition 

Infants - During this stage of life, milk provides all the nutrition (whether it’s breast milk or formula or a combination of the two). Breast milk or formula will provide almost all nutrients a baby needs for first year of life.

Toddlers and Preschoolers - Watch the calcium intake at this stage. Calcium, a building block, is needed to develop strong bones and teeth. Soy milk, tofu, calcium-fortified orange juices, cereals and oatmeal are some of the calcium-filled options. Doctor can also recommend calcium supplements. Fiber is also important at this stage. It will help in digestion and prevent the chances of constipation. Child should consume plenty of fruit, beans, vegetables, whole grains and salad also.

Elementary school - Proteins should be of consideration at this time. Rice, beans, eggs, milk, peanut butter - all have protein. A child is more interested in junk food, chips and candies available in the canteen. No doubt, carbohydrates (sugars), fats, and sodium are required but in limited quantity.

Preteens and Teens - In puberty, young people need more calories to support their growing body. Unfortunately, teens start dieting since they are conscious for their weight gain and shape of the body. But this is not the right time for dieting. Like calories, calcium is also an important part of the diet at this time because majority of the bone mass is formed at this stage. Kids should be encouraged to have milk or milk products or calcium rich alternatives.

Teen girls need more iron since it is lost in menstruation but boys need more proteins for their body.

Always remember, A healthy child grows into healthy adult. So, it is the great responsibility of parents to fulfill all the needs of a child. 

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Problems affecting MALE SEXUAL HEALTH

  • Males are going through tough competition at work place. There is immense stress in the mind. Consequently, it affects their general  and sexual health as well. Various problems affecting male sexual health are summarized below -

    1. Loss of libido - It means the loss of sexual desire that may be because of undue excessive stress or lack of attraction to partner. It is common problem in both men and women. Lack of desire stops the sexual response cycle before it begins. Lack of desire is temporary in some people and an ongoing problem in others.
    2. Impotence - Impotency is an inability to perform sexual act or failure to reach orgasm while performing sexual act. 
    3. Erectile dysfunction (ED) – It is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for satisfactory sexual activity. It can vary in severity. Some people have a complete inability to achieve an erection while others have an inconsistent ability to achieve an erection and some can sustain brief erections only. Many men also do not discuss erectile dysfunction with doctors due to embarrassment and the condition remains under diagnosed. While erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, it is not common among young men and more common in the elder ones. By the age of 45, most men have experienced erectile dysfunction at least some of the time.
    4. Premature ejaculation - Premature ejaculation is also known as premature climax, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax or early ejaculation. Premature ejaculation occurs when orgasm occurs before a man wishes it or too quickly during intercourse to satisfy his partner.
    5. Delayed ejaculation – It means the inability to have an ejaculation during sexual intercourse. 
    6. Night fall or Wet dreams or Nocturnal emissions - Moreover, it affects nearly every male at some point in his life. They are more common amongst teenagers. Sometimes, many adult males also experience nocturnal emissions, during the period of abstinence. Experts consider it as a healthy process when it happens in a limited frequency for about twice in a week. Very frequent nocturnal emissions may lead to several health ailments. For example - Oligospermia, constipation, weight problems and emotional upsets. It may occur due to physical or psychological stimulation. 
    7. Low sperm count - Low sperm count means that the fluid (semen) you ejaculate during an orgasm contains fewer sperm than normal. It is also called oligospermia. But complete absence of sperms is called azoospermia. The sperm count is considered lower than normal if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen.
    For best male health supplement :

    Monday, 2 June 2014


    Why it is called Breakfast?  Because we consume our first meal of the day, after 8-10 hours of fasting in night. It is very important meal in today’s busy routine. It provides energy and nutrients for daily routine job. Start day with some fresh fruits as this is an excellent way to cleanse the internal system. After that, one should go for proper breakfast. But it is advised to never skip your breakfast.
    Breakfast is considered as a spiritual meal. Not having breakfast in the morning disturbs the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) balance and particularly disturbs the sadhaka pitta which is responsible for the maintenance of temper in an individual. Their disturbances cause irritability.

    Breakfast is an important part of Ayurvedic daily regimen (Din charya). It literally means break - the - fast. That means consuming food after 10-12 hours of gap in morning. It was even never advised to skip breakfast in earlier times also.

    According to Ayurveda, breakfast is an absolute MUST if you are a Vata or a Pitta. If you are a Kapha, you may choose to have breakfast if you are hungry. Pittas eat breakfast because they get hungry and if they don't eat they get really grumpy. We don’t need to encourage pittas to eat breakfast. Vatas skip breakfast because they don't have strong appetites and they don't plan well. This is really bad for them as it adds to their lightness, their inability to focus and their inability to effectively manage immunity.

    Few Benefits of having breakfast in morning are summarized below –

    • Breakfast delivers essential nutrients first thing in the morning - There are certain foods which we normally consume only in breakfast like cereals, fruits and milk. If you do not consume breakfast, you may not get appropriate nutrients.
    • Breakfast improves your metabolism - Since your blood sugar level drops in the morning, you need food that can provide you energy to get through the morning. Body needs fuel. To ensure your metabolism keeps you going you must eat something within 2 hours of waking up. In night, there is a gap of about 10-12 hours with the dinner of earlier day. Most of the energy is utilized in night for digestion. Without breakfast, we will be feeling lethargic and metabolism slows down. But if we consume little food (fuel for body), metabolism will be fastened.
    • Breakfast helps to have healthy weight - It has been found that those who eat breakfast tend to maintain healthy weight. Sometimes people skip breakfast in the hope of losing weight they tend to eat more during lunch which leads to weight gain. Moreover, having breakfast increases the metabolic rate of the body and helps to shed off extra kilos.
    • Helps to maintain insulin response - When you skip breakfast it leads to a hyper insulin response when calories are consumed later. It means the level of insulin in blood is greater than the glucose level in the blood. It leads to metabolic disorder that results in  fat accumulation.
    • Helps perform better at work/school/college - Some breakfast foods can increase your productivity and give you more energy. For example - Have a good source of vitamin B in the morning as it can improve your ability to concentrate and help you think more clearly. Hungry employees and students don’t put their best at work/school. When you are hungry, you are irritated and lost interest in work which produces ill effect on your performance. Breakfast helps you to wake up and makes you attentive.
    • Breakfast makes you feel fuller longer - If we don’t have breakfast, we feel hungry before noon even. And we tend to consume whatever is easily available in office /college canteen. It is the high calorie junk food we found and consume happily. But consuming breakfast help us to feel fuller and satisfied for longer time.
    • Burn those calories early - If we take breakfast in time, we can burn those calories early in the day. Instead of going hungry till lunch and then loading the calories with fewer hours left in the day to burn it.  
    • Skipping breakfast can make you grumpy - Not having breakfast makes you grouchy. You will not even realize it and keep wondering the reason for your irritability.