Nowadays, many doctors those who are practicing allopathy even suggest many Ayurvedic medicines for their patients. It is pure natural or herbal method of treatment. It is very popular these days as an alternate medicine.
- Ayurveda is pure natural - Modern day medical sciences understand the value of being natural. It does not provide any natural aid for body. But Ayurveda is completely natural and it believes that to follow the nature is the only way to achieve the complete wellness.
- Maintenance of good health - Ayurveda provides the measures to maintain the health of healthy people like yoga, daily regimens (din charya), seasonal regimen (ritu charya) and pathya - apathya. Ayurveda guides us to adjust our lifestyle according to change of seasons. By following this, we can be fit and lead a healthy life.
- Elimination of root cause – Allopathy focuses on symptomatic medicine. In this system, the diseases are treated with drugs which are suppresses symptoms only. But Ayurveda provides us with the knowledge of how to prevent disease and eliminate its root cause.
- No Side effects in Ayurveda - But the major difference between them lies is the period of curing the illness. Ayurveda comparatively consumes more time to cure, whereas allopathic treatment cures the diseases within a short span of time. But, allopathic treatment may cause side effects.
- Prevents the recurrence of the disease - As modern sciences believe in suppressing the signs and symptoms, they never appreciate to remove cause from body. In allopathy, they believe to hide the garbage under good skin. But, Ayurveda considers the detoxification as a primary part of the treatment, where it attacks the root cause - Toxins. It believes in the complete eradication of the disease.
- Ayurvedic medicine can be taken for long time - Allopathic medicines are given in heavy dose for common are 500 mg for immediate result which is harmful for organs like kidneys and other organs. Long time use of Allopathic drugs may damage organs like liver or kidney. Ayurvedic medicines are very light on body and can be consumed for long time.
- Ayurveda treats both the patient and disease – According to allopathy, pathogens like virus or bacteria cause disease and medicines are applied to kill them only. Allopathy treats the disease only, not the person. Same disease in different patients is treated with same medicine. According to Ayurveda, Diseases occur due to the vitiation of tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha). Thus, same disease in different persons will be treated in a different manner in Ayurveda.
- In Ayurveda, health is a complete package - Allopathy has become a bio-engineering and bio-mechanical system of medicines where they believe to replace/change of the organs or systems in name of treatment, not much worried about the cure. But, Ayurveda stresses upon complete health package including physical, psychological, spiritual, economical and social health as well.
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