Stress is our reaction to the external stimuli that disturbs our physical and mental balance. It is simply in our hands, how to react to a particular situation.
Anything whether it is positive or negative stimuli that disturb the harmony of mind and body is termed as stressors and can lead to stress. Stressors disturb the metabolism of nervous tissue. As a result, Excess activity of nervous system produces stress hormones (toxins) are produced. Consequently, vitality of the body is impaired and ojas (vital energy) diminishes. Physical, emotional and behavioral changes occur.
When we are stressed, various changes occur at physical, emotional, behavioral and cognitive problems occur.
- Blood pressure rises
- Breathing becomes more rapid
- Digestive system slows down
- Heart rate (pulse) rises
- Immune system goes down
- Muscles become tense
- Sleep decreases (heightened state of alertness)
Why Ayurvedic treatment?
Allopathic treatment for stress emphasizes on anti-anxiety drugs which calms down our nervous system and leads to sedation. But in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, we emphasize on strengthening the nervous system which enhances the inner capability of the body to fight stress. It maintains the metabolism in nervous tissue and prevents the formation of stress hormones. Along with this, immunity enhancing herbs regains the lost immunity of the body and prevents from harmful effects of stress. In today’s era, everyone is undergoing stress. So, we can add herbal supplement in our daily life to combat stress.
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