
Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Emotions are an integral part of being human. The capacity to feel is what makes us human, and what connects us to one another.   So, the more we refine our emotions, the more we are able to enjoy relationships, realize our deepest feelings, manage life’s conflicts with grace and create peace.
Emotional health and wellbeing is the experience of healthy self-esteem, self-respect and resilience.    It includes the way you feel about yourself, the quality of your relationships with family or friends, your ability to manage various feelings and deal with difficulties.

Emotional health is doing your best to be proactive instead of reactive to the feelings that move through you in a given hour or day. Anger, jealous, grief, contentment and love, help you respond and interact with life and living. They have great impact on how you think and behave.

Emotional health refers to the presence of positive characteristics rather than the absence of physical or mental illness. Similarly, not feeling bad is not the same as feeling good. While some people may not possess negative feelings, they still require working out things that make them feel positive in order to achieve balanced mental and emotional health.

One can opt for following habits to be emotionally healthy -
  • Be optimistic.
  • Always have hope.
  • Stay connected with society.
  • Accept yourself as you are. Do not have over expectations from yourself.
  • Express gratitude. Be thankful for what you have.
  • Set your goals (Even fulfill small targets daily)
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Adopt mindfulness. It means that you are actively paying attention to the present moment 

Persons who are emotionally healthy have:
  • A sense of contentment
  • A craze for life
  • Ability to have fun
  • Ability to fight stress
  • A meaning and purpose in their activities and relationships
  • The flexibility to learn new things  
  • A balance between work and play or rest and activity 
  • The ability to build and fulfill relationships
  • Self-confidence 
  • High self-esteem

Childhood has a profound influence on how we relate to each other as adults. Many of the experiences we have in childhood leave a lasting emotional impression. So, if we are parents, we should try our best to provide our child a healthy childhood.
Nurturing our emotional health can transform our relationships. It can change the world for us.

Saturday, 26 July 2014


Any pet is being considered as a member of family. Mostly cats and dogs are the animals of choices in urban area. There physiology is quite similar to humans. Cats and dogs do have health concerns that mirror our own; they get tummy aches, diarrhea, itchy skin, minor infections, anxiety and other behavior problems too.
The attraction and bond to animals goes deeper than just affection and respects - animals help heal us.  They keep us healthy and happy and it’s our job to return their gifts by providing them with the care and attention they need.

These pets are smart enough and can not be easily fooled to take medicine. They can something unwanted and avoid to eat. But, still we need to give them herbal medication for their welfare.

  • Dried fresh herbs can be sprinkled on your pet’s food or infused as teas and added to the water bowl. Since, they have short digaestive tracts. Capsules can pass through them undigested. So, preferably, break the herbal capsules and sprinkle over food.
  • In addition to a nutritious diet full of whole foods, we can add herbal supplements into their regimen so as to boost their health. 


  • Aloe Vera - Brings cooling relief to fleabites, reducing itching, scratching, minor burns and rashes.
  • Lavender - Can be used in a massage oil to relieve pain and stiffness older dogs have in the morning and make a good tick and flea repellent for dogs.
  • Valerian - Useful in animals to help relax them during stressful events like thunderstorms or trips to the vet. 
  • Vidanga - Deworming should also be done in animals also. Mix a small amount of vidanga (1/4 of a teaspoon) into the wet food. Continue for one month.
  • Neem - For itchy skin and conditions like eczema, apply neem and aloe vera externally. 
  • Chamomile/ peppermint – These herbs are good for abdominal upsets.  Massage the belly gently and give chamomile/ peppermint tea.

Precautions while handling pets

  • Give them proper care, love and affection.
  • Hold them in your hands very gently as they are too soft. 
  • Dogs and cats lick their coats. Think carefully, before applying flea products to your animal’s coat.
  • Keep your pet's bedding clean.
  • Give them nutritious diet full of whole foods.
  • Provide them with healthy health supplements also.
  • Go  for regular grooming, and scrupulous cleaning of your pets' "living" area 
  • Add herbal supplements to help them deal with natural wear and tear of the body.
  • Provide them full freedom
  • Animals do need some peace and rest .We should take care of such requirements also.

Monday, 21 July 2014


Stressful life, hectic schedule, inadequate sleep, lack of nutritional diet, pollution, harmful sun rays (UVA/UVB), excessive smoking and drinking alcohol are the major factors which lead to a dull and dry skin. But we can adopt simple home remedies for flawless glowing skin.

  • Drink plenty of water. Drinking ten to twelve glasses of water everyday enables the toxins to flush out of the body.
  • Avoid junk food and adopt healthy food habits.
  • Take adequate sleep everyday at least eight hour a day.
  • Quit smoking for healthy glowing skin. As nicotine destroys the collagen in the skin and constricts the blood vessels and limits the supply to skin. As a result skin gets malnourished and sags.
  • Drink a aloe-vera juices.
  • Turmeric is an age old ingredient that helps for blemish free skin and is effective in getting rid of acne.
  • Massage your face daily with 1 spoon-full of honey and ½ cup of milk. It really works wonders.
  • Apply besan mixed with milk with a pinch of turmeric to the face. Wash it off in a circular motion when dried.
  • One can mix sooji with milk and apply on face and neck area. Wash it off in a circular motion when dried. And observe the flawless glow on skin.
  • Honey is very good in giving a glow to your skin.
  • Lemon contains vitamin C which helps to lighten dark skin. It is a great skin astringent and helps to remove tan effectively.
  • Mix lemon juice, glycerin and rose water in equal quantities. Apply this mixture on skin for 4-5 min and then, wash it off.
  • Papaya is an antioxidant and contains an enzyme called Papain which helps to get rid of dead cells and clears impurities from the skin. Mash it and apply on face and neck for some time. 
  • The juice of tomato is an excellent toner and gives an instant glow to the skin. 
  • Add few drops of lemon juice to a tablespoon of milk and massage on the face & neck. It will soften the skin and bleach the face. Rinse the face after 20 minutes for better results. 
  • Potato is a natural bleaching agent. A slice of unpeeled potato, soaked in water for five minutes can be rubbed on the face to brighten the skin.
  • A paste of milk, sandalwood powder and turmeric powder applied daily on the face for 5 minutes improves the complexion. 

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Relieve stress without pills

Yoga definitely reduces stress because it promotes relaxation. Yoga can benefit three aspects - our body, mind and breathing.

Yoga involves both moving and stationary poses, along with deep breathing. As well as reducing anxiety and stress, yoga can also improve strength, flexibility and stamina.

Asanas means to stay in a particular posture for sometime and then relax. Progressive muscle relaxation involves a two-step process in which you systematically tense and relax different muscle groups in the body.

All kind of asanas can be performed depending on the capability of body. Few asanas play important role in relieving physical and mental stress. Sun salutations (surya namaskar), shavasana (corpse pose), bridge Pose (setu bandha asana), extended puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana), standing forward bend (uttanasana) and salutation seal (anjali mudra).

Pranayamas like deep breathing, anulom-vilom (alternate nostril breathing), kapalbhati (shining skull), bhastrika, om chanting and shitali pranayama are really good to cool down the high temper in the body. They help to relieve stress at physical and mental level as well.

As everyone knows, meditation is really good for stress. There are different kinds of meditation which can be followed. Different meditation techniques like mindful meditation, deep breathing meditation, visualization meditation and progressive muscle relaxation are best for stress relief.

Friday, 18 July 2014

SELF ANALYSIS leads to better judgement of disease

When we are diseased, undue worries captures the mind of the patient and he or she becomes psychologically weak. He starts following useless treatments unknowingly. This can lead to many other diseases in the body also.

Patient worries a lot and forgets to understand the exact cause of disease. In such cases, one should go for self - analysis. What the change had happened at mental or physical level which lowers the metabolism in the body. As a result, digestion of food did not occur properly and produces ama (toxins) leading to disorders.

If we try to suppress the diseases in the beginning with medicines, our body becomes dependent over it. Immunity is lowered day by day and the need of medicines is increased. Working efficacy of the body diminishes and many other diseases attack the body.

Ayurveda do not aim to control but to cure the diseases. It emphasizes to enhance the metabolism in the body so that no ama (toxins) is produced. For any reasons if the toxins are formed, they are metabolized or flushed out of the body.

We just need to modify daily regimens which enhances the rate of metabolism so that no ama (toxins) is produced.  Many ras-rasayan (tonics) are mentioned in Ayurveda which enhances the metabolism at cellular level and helps to get rid of the root cause of the disease.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

GOOD BYE Joint problems FOREVER

Arthritis is the very common disorder these days. There are about 100 types of arthritis these days. According to Ayurveda, when ama (undigested material) is carried by vayu and deposited at musculo-skeletal system in the body, it is known as AMAVATA.

Amavata is a very broad term comprises rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthrits, lumbar spondylitis etc.
When the metabolism in the musculo-skeletal system of the body is disturbed, persons are suffered from arthritis.  Moreover, as age progresses this condition worsens.

In Ayurveda, we target at following points while treating patients -
  1. DETOXIFICATION - Various herbs are mentioned in Ayurveda, help to expel the toxins out of body. These toxins accumulate in the joint spaces and lead to immense pain, stiffness and inflammation. 
  2. BOOST THE IMMUNITY – Immune system has great capability to heal itself. We just need to boost the immune system and make it intelligent to differentiate between self and non-self.
  3. TREAT AMA – To minimize the ama in the body, we need to enhance the metabolism at cellular level.  When the metabolism is increased, it reduces the amount of ama in the body which is the root cause of diseases. Chitrak, sonth, marich and pippal  are really good for enhancing metabolism.
  4. STRENGTHENING THE BONES – Various herbs have specific action in bone metabolism in the body. As a result, it increases bone mass and density. It thickens the cartilage, ligaments and tendons. It provides strength to bones and joints. It checks the degeneration of bone tissue and promotes regeneration in the body.

Monday, 14 July 2014


Realists look at the things clearly but most of us attribute the events in our lives optimistically or pessimistically. Optimism is looking at a more favorable side of events and simply anticipating the best possible outcome in any situation. It has a wonderful effect on our health and mind too.

  • Provides better life span and live happily too.
  • Helps to gain good health mentally as well physically. Optimistic persons have better health than a pessimistic one. 
  • Performs better in any event whether sports or any other competition.
  • Don’t give up easily until u get success
  • Makes us emotionally stable and strong too. 
  • Helps to withstand the challenges of life very well
  • Enables us to experiences less stress than pessimists or realists. Because optimistic believes in their abilities and expect best things to happen. 
  • Optimists enjoy the life to fullest and always look upon the better side of the picture. They believe that more positive things will happen in future.
  • Induces a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
  • Enhances the level of productivity.
  • Enables you to opt for balanced approach in life by dealing with the constant negative thoughts which spring up.
  • Enhances  your tolerance levels because it lowers the risk of you being irritated by useless matters 
  • Raises your level of motivation.
  • Promotes positive and healthier relationships.
  • Enhances spiritual development and awakening.

Considering these benefits of optimism in life, one should always try to have positive approach in life. It costs nothing but have wonderful health benefits. It improves your physiological and psychological well being.

Saturday, 12 July 2014


Aloe vera (Ghritkumari) is incredible plant having immense medicinal properties. It has both internal and external applications. It is also used as vegetable by some people. Aloe vera when consumed internally enhances digestion and cleanses the digestive tract. Have a look at a glance on the benefits of aloe vera  as summarized below -
  1. It is very good laxative and helps to relieve constipation.
  2. Its juice alkalizes our body. Acidic environment in our body leads to diseases. Aloe vera juice is alkaline in nature and maintains a balance between alkaline and acidic media. 
  3. Aloe vera is full of anti-oxidants which help to combat free radicals in the body. 
  4. It detoxifies the body and help in elimination of toxins out of body.
  5. Aloe helps to inhibit the inflammation. So, it can be used for painful joints due to reduce stiffness and improve flexibility.
  6. It bears anti- aging properties. Consuming aloe vera juice daily can slow down the aging phenomenon. 
  7. Aloe vera is a tonic for reproductive tract. 
  8. It boosts immune system. So, it is very useful for those who get frequent attacks of cold, flu, bronchitis, herpes and running nose.
  9. Drinking aloe vera juice daily stimulates the metabolism and helps to burn calories more quickly.
  10. It is an adaptogen which boosts our body’s internal power to resist illness. 
  11. Aloe vera can efficiently regulate the blood sugar levels in the body. Diabetics can also use it. 
  12. It helps to shed off extra body weight.
  13. Since it has anti-bacterial and anti fungal, it helps in maintaining healthy gums and mouth.
  14. When applied externally over skin it can do wonders. It provides flawless skin glow. Consuming aloe vera juice supplies the body with essential nutrients which help to promote the removal of dead skin cells and replenishes it with new ones. 
  15. The anti-allergic properties of aloe vera is helpful for blisters, insect bites and other allergic rashes on skin as well. 
  16. It helps to reduce skin pigmentation and dark spots.
  17. Aloe vera is really good for hair also. Consuming aloe vera juice can lead to long and silky hair. It stops hair loss from scalp if applied externally on scalp. 

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Line of treatment for CANCER

In Ayurveda, when our own metabolism sluggish down, it results into weak immune system. Only then, we invite various diseases including cancer. If we work on metabolism and immunity, we can tackle most of diseases.

In Ayurveda, we have got many natural herbs which improve metabolism and immunity like rasayana etc. So, by targeting poor metabolism and weak immunity in our body, we can catch maximum number of diseases.

While treating cancer by Ayurveda, we just focus on mainly four points.

  1. Detoxification – We give precious Ayurvedic herbs to detoxify the body at cellular level so that all the toxins leading to the disease are flushed out of the body.
  2. Treat Ama – Ama means the undigested matter of metabolism. It clogs the micro- circulatory channels and blocks them. It hampers in the circulation of vital energy in the body and prevents its distribution at cellular level. So, the cells of the body are deprived of vital energy like oxygen. In many recent researches, it has been found that if a cell gets less than 35 % oxygen for 48 hours, it can become cancerous.
  3. Boost immunity - We emphasize on boosting the immunity of body as it is a great god gifted power that can help us to fight any disease or heal the body. Precious herbs in Ayurveda are so potent that they can boost the sluggish immune system.  Moreover, these herbs enhance the inbuilt memory of immune system to differentiate between self and non self in case of auto immune disorders. 
  4. Rejuvenation – Various herbs and minerals are found in Ayurveda which possess rejuvenating effect on the body. For different systems in the body, we have specific rejuvenating herbs.

For decades , scientists assumed that cancer was beyond the reach of body’s natural defenses but now they believe that immune system can be trained enough to eliminate this disease. Nowadays, scientists are also approaching immunotherapy. They are focusing on enhancing the immunity in body of cancer patients. Stem cell transplantation is latest approach of scientists which kills mutated genes and promotes the growth of healthy genes and boosts immunity.

 Various medicines like thalidomide for multiple myeloma and iplimumab foe skin cancer are immune boosters which are being prescribed by oncologists. So, these scientists are working on the same track, which has been clearly mentioned in Ayurveda around centuries ago.

We have very precious natural herbs to treat cancer by stimulating immune system. These herbs enhance the built in memory of immune system. Thus, immune system becomes intelligent enough to fight the cancer cells and eliminate them. Moreover, it boosts the healthy cell growth.

Conclusion – Focus on metabolism and immunity, we can successfully target maximum disorders.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Tips to improve female health

In today’s hectic daily life, women have dual life- personal and professional. And it gets difficult to manage many times. There is a lot of stress in mind. Consequently, health of female suffers. But one can follow
healthy diet and adopt healthy lifestyles to maintain health.

  • Eat a healthy diet which includes high protein content, eggs, fish, ghee, butter, soybean, green vegetables, fruits, almonds and other dry fruits. 
  • Limit the amount of fat and cholesterol in your diet. 
  • Do regular physical exercise.
  • Avoid drug addiction.
  • Get sufficient rest and sleep.
  • Reduce stress levels- stress can lower the odds of conception.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • You can follow various relaxation techniques like pranayama and meditation just to ease the pressure on mind.
  • Don't smoke. Smoking ages your ovaries and depletes eggs prematurely.
  • Avoid strenuous physical work.
  • Exposure to pollutants can affect your fertility. So, avoid toxic surroundings.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

How to improve digestion WITH YOGA

Indigestion is very common disorder these days as our food habits are bit disturbed. There are specific yoga postures which help to stretch, twist and squeeze our body to improve digestion. You can balance metabolism with yogic techniques and utilize food in the best possible manner.

Moreover, a common reason many people experience problems with digestion is because of anxiety and stress. These days we all are going through hectic daily routine and immense stress of competition. It leads to disturbed diet and lifestyle which, in further, leads to indigestion. As we all know, regular practice of yoga minimizes the stress in our body.

Health problems like stomach ache, irregular bowel patterns, gas in the digestive tract and constipation, can be benefited with yoga. Yogic postures also help to release toxic gases from the intestinal tract, thus creating a sense of well-being.

Asanas like Vajrasana (Diamond pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), Pawan Mukta Asana (Wind releasing pose), Halasana (Plough Pose), Bitilasana (Cow Pose) and  Bidalasana (Cat Pose) are effective in improving digestion of food we eat.

Various pranayama techniques like agnisaar pranayama, surya bhedan (right nostril breathing or revitalizing breath), kapalbhati (shining skull), bhastrika and bahya pranayama (external breath) are good for enhancing digestion.

Practicing meditation to boost digestion by alleviating anxiety and stress is bringing benefits to people worldwide.