Yoga definitely reduces stress because it promotes relaxation. Yoga can benefit three aspects - our body, mind and breathing.
Yoga involves both moving and stationary poses, along with deep breathing. As well as reducing anxiety and stress, yoga can also improve strength, flexibility and stamina.
Asanas means to stay in a particular posture for sometime and then relax. Progressive muscle relaxation involves a two-step process in which you systematically tense and relax different muscle groups in the body.
All kind of asanas can be performed depending on the capability of body. Few asanas play important role in relieving physical and mental stress. Sun salutations (surya namaskar), shavasana (corpse pose), bridge Pose (setu bandha asana), extended puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana), standing forward bend (uttanasana) and salutation seal (anjali mudra).
Pranayamas like deep breathing, anulom-vilom (alternate nostril breathing), kapalbhati (shining skull), bhastrika, om chanting and shitali pranayama are really good to cool down the high temper in the body. They help to relieve stress at physical and mental level as well.
As everyone knows, meditation is really good for stress. There are different kinds of meditation which can be followed. Different meditation techniques like mindful meditation, deep breathing meditation, visualization meditation and progressive muscle relaxation are best for stress relief.
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