
Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Line of treatment for CANCER

In Ayurveda, when our own metabolism sluggish down, it results into weak immune system. Only then, we invite various diseases including cancer. If we work on metabolism and immunity, we can tackle most of diseases.

In Ayurveda, we have got many natural herbs which improve metabolism and immunity like rasayana etc. So, by targeting poor metabolism and weak immunity in our body, we can catch maximum number of diseases.

While treating cancer by Ayurveda, we just focus on mainly four points.

  1. Detoxification – We give precious Ayurvedic herbs to detoxify the body at cellular level so that all the toxins leading to the disease are flushed out of the body.
  2. Treat Ama – Ama means the undigested matter of metabolism. It clogs the micro- circulatory channels and blocks them. It hampers in the circulation of vital energy in the body and prevents its distribution at cellular level. So, the cells of the body are deprived of vital energy like oxygen. In many recent researches, it has been found that if a cell gets less than 35 % oxygen for 48 hours, it can become cancerous.
  3. Boost immunity - We emphasize on boosting the immunity of body as it is a great god gifted power that can help us to fight any disease or heal the body. Precious herbs in Ayurveda are so potent that they can boost the sluggish immune system.  Moreover, these herbs enhance the inbuilt memory of immune system to differentiate between self and non self in case of auto immune disorders. 
  4. Rejuvenation – Various herbs and minerals are found in Ayurveda which possess rejuvenating effect on the body. For different systems in the body, we have specific rejuvenating herbs.

For decades , scientists assumed that cancer was beyond the reach of body’s natural defenses but now they believe that immune system can be trained enough to eliminate this disease. Nowadays, scientists are also approaching immunotherapy. They are focusing on enhancing the immunity in body of cancer patients. Stem cell transplantation is latest approach of scientists which kills mutated genes and promotes the growth of healthy genes and boosts immunity.

 Various medicines like thalidomide for multiple myeloma and iplimumab foe skin cancer are immune boosters which are being prescribed by oncologists. So, these scientists are working on the same track, which has been clearly mentioned in Ayurveda around centuries ago.

We have very precious natural herbs to treat cancer by stimulating immune system. These herbs enhance the built in memory of immune system. Thus, immune system becomes intelligent enough to fight the cancer cells and eliminate them. Moreover, it boosts the healthy cell growth.

Conclusion – Focus on metabolism and immunity, we can successfully target maximum disorders.

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