
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

How to improve digestion WITH YOGA

Indigestion is very common disorder these days as our food habits are bit disturbed. There are specific yoga postures which help to stretch, twist and squeeze our body to improve digestion. You can balance metabolism with yogic techniques and utilize food in the best possible manner.

Moreover, a common reason many people experience problems with digestion is because of anxiety and stress. These days we all are going through hectic daily routine and immense stress of competition. It leads to disturbed diet and lifestyle which, in further, leads to indigestion. As we all know, regular practice of yoga minimizes the stress in our body.

Health problems like stomach ache, irregular bowel patterns, gas in the digestive tract and constipation, can be benefited with yoga. Yogic postures also help to release toxic gases from the intestinal tract, thus creating a sense of well-being.

Asanas like Vajrasana (Diamond pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), Pawan Mukta Asana (Wind releasing pose), Halasana (Plough Pose), Bitilasana (Cow Pose) and  Bidalasana (Cat Pose) are effective in improving digestion of food we eat.

Various pranayama techniques like agnisaar pranayama, surya bhedan (right nostril breathing or revitalizing breath), kapalbhati (shining skull), bhastrika and bahya pranayama (external breath) are good for enhancing digestion.

Practicing meditation to boost digestion by alleviating anxiety and stress is bringing benefits to people worldwide.

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