How should we approach HIV?
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome and is the final stage of the infection caused by the virus called HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus causes severe damage to the immune system leaving the person more prone to the variety of common infections. People infected with HIV may take 7 - 10 years to develop AIDS.
AIDS is not a single disease but a syndrome. When people have AIDS, their immune system are damaged and experience certain life-threatening infections and cancers which make them very sick and eventually kill them.
It is co-related to ojokshaya in Ayurveda.
According to Ayurvedic point of view, Excessive sex indulgence with multiple partners leads to the massive loss of shukra dhatu in the body. As we all know, loss of shukra dhatu leads to the loss of ultimate ojas in the body. Symptoms of Ojas kshaya correspond to AIDS. But, Ojakshaya is too much to trigger the pratiloma kshaya in dhatus and results in majja (bone marrow) kshaya. As a result, CD4 cells (T-helper cells or a kind of WBC which are produced from red bone marrow) decreases drastically. When there is majja, shukra and ojas kshaya,it comes in the category of full blown AIDS. In this condition, immunity lowers down and makes body susceptible to other infections or diseases. It further leads to the loss of asthi (bones), meda(fats), mansa (muscles), rakta(blood) and rasa(plasma) in the body. Ultimately, in this condition, it is too difficult for a person to survive.
Charaka while explaining the causes of Ojokshaya has given emphasis to Bhootapaghata or infection, which has kindled our interest to do research on Ojokshaya, with special reference to HIV infection.
Enhancing the ojas (immunity) and improving metabolism of an individual is the fundamental line of treatment. One can use various balya medicines and rasayana mentioned in the ayurvedic texts to provide strength to weakened body of the patient. Purpose of using rasayanas is to boost immunity levels, to strengthen the system and stimulate appetite. These ancient rasayans are very good rejuvenator of the body and help to regain the lost strength. Also, they significantly contribute to enhance the ojas in the body. These drugs show significant CD4 count improvement and help to restore the disrupted immune system, improving the well-being and quality of life. It also prevents the body against the opportunistic infections.
After gaining some strength, (depending on the status of patient) Detoxification can be performed to expel toxins from the body through panchkarma. Once the toxins are expelled the microcirculatory channels of circulation are opened and the body is nourished well.
Blood purificatory herbs can be prescribed to kill the unwanted bacteria, virus or pathogens in the blood which can give rise to OPPORTUNISTIC infections.
The illness affects the body as well as the mind of the patient. It creates tension, anxiety and stress to the patient. So, various relaxing techniques needs to be followed to rejuvenate the mind also like yogic asana ,pranayama and meditation. These techniques help the body and mind to rejuvenate well. Pranayama helps to distribute prana to the whole body, energies and induce vitality in the body. Meditation relaxes the stressed mind.
In the present era, HIV infection possesses great danger to the young people.
Ayurveda treats deeper balances in the body first and then symptoms disappear automatically. It stresses upon to enhance the ojas by whatever the possible way in the treatment of HIV infection. This ultimately helps to regain the lost vitality in the body.
Our line of treatment targets the metabolism and immunity of the individual. This leads to reduction in ama (toxins) and enhancement of the ojas (immunity) of an individual. Following this we can prevent ourselves from many more diseases too.
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