Acne occurs over the skin due to ama (toxins) produced by improper metabolism of food. These toxins travel in the blood and lead to acne. It usually occurs in adolescent age (16 yrs to 30 yrs). It is the end of kapha stage (childhood stage) and beginning of pitta stage (adulthood). The imbalance in the biological energies leads to acne. We should follow healthy diet and lifestyle to decrease the incidence of acne in our life. Eliminating substances that enhances pitta (fire element) and ama (toxins) formation are best way to balance the biological energies in body and remove acne.
- Follow a diet that consists of plenty of fresh vegetables, organic fruits and whole grains.
- Consume foods that have cooling effect on our body such as tender coconut, cucumber, cilantro, green vegetables and basmati rice.
- Aloe vera juice is a cooling bitter tonic for eliminating excess pitta (fire element) from the body. Take a half cup twice daily.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Avoid oily food stuffs, hot spices, chili peppers
- Limit the processed or fermented food items.
- Limit alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.
- Keep your colon clean. Take 1 teaspoon of triphala powder before bedtime. It will act as a good laxative and flush out toxins.
- Cleanse the skin twice daily. Once in the morning and even before bed, with a gentle cleanser.
- Adopt a cooling practice of yoga or swimming. During warm months, do not exercise during the pitta (fire element) time of day (10am-2pm).
- Avoid sun exposure. Try moon bathing to cool pitta's intense fire.
- Avoid stressful environment. Surround yourself with nice people who love you.
- Encourage patience, peace and tolerance to get joy into your life and help cool your temperament.
- Exercise regularly to enhance blood supply to skin. Ultimately, toxins are removed.
- Yogic asanas like pawan-mukta asana, sirsasana, Matsya Asana are good for acne. As it helps to increase blood flow to the desired area and cleanse the toxins from the body.
- Pranayama enhances the blood supply in the body. Thus, boosts detoxification processes in the body. Moreover, sitali and sitkari pranayama cool down the pitta element that leads to acne.
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