It comes from two words “Sadd” which means good and “vritta” which means solution. It is an all-around science that promotes the total harmony of the body system where people socialize and live. Ayurveda emphasizes on keeping a healthy lifestyle and an ideal living situation to prevent imbalances that are created within the body and the environment, thus, enabling homeostasis in the body. A person has to follow a good schedule and a healthy lifestyle which does not only help in building a better person but also a better society.
A person who behaves nicely is more divine for God and lives a more fruitful life. If a person will follow the rules of saddvritta, he would achieve a healthier and a longer life. He can even escape the cycle of life or death. Practicing them gives balance and peace to the mind. Mind has a strong relation with Tridosha balance and thereby health. Developing a good behavior and personality brings light in life since it promotes a better health and relationship among one’s family and friends. Ignoring the principles makes a person agitated.
It comprises 5 categories -
- Vyavaharika (Ethical code of conduct)
- Samajika (Social code of conduct)
- Mansik (Mental code of conduct)
- Dharmika (Moral code of conduct)
- Sharirika (Physical code of conduct)
1. Vyavaharika (Ethical code of conduct)
- Always speak the truth
- Do not harm anyone
- Do not loose your temper under any situation
- Have patience
- Avoid getting addicted to sensory pleasures
- Keep self control
- Devote your services to god, to the wise, to respectable and elderly persons.
- Avoid over-eating, over-drinking and too much sexual indulgence
- Act always in a polite manner.
- Distribute knowledge and good advice among others.
- Never harm anyone
- Give some part of your wealth and energy for the betterment of society.
- Try to meditate daily to give mind a little rest from hectic schedule.
2. Samajika (Social code of conduct)
Our conduct in society brings respect to us. It is very important to deal with others in a humble manner. Hurting the feeling of other persons will bring disregard to us. Social conduct includes following practices -
- Never be jealous about anyone
- Help poor people as much you can.
- Always talk with smiling face.
- Speak softly and smoothly.
- Never contradict teachers (gurus) even if they are wrong
- Do not insult a person who is inferior to you in any aspect.
- Avoid addictions like alcohol, cigarette smoking, opium, smack etc.
- Take care of all family members with love and give them respect.
- Always respect ladies and never look at a woman who is naked or in awkward position.
- Do not whistle or do not make instrumental sounds in the mouth.
- Always show interest to learn different types of knowledge.
- Do not prick the nose or ears in front of the people
- Cover the mouth when cough, sneezing and belching
- Avoid doing nail bite, pricking tooth, scratching head, making sound while munching or eating.
3. Mansik (Mental code of conduct)
Follow mental code of conduct as it will bring mental peace and harmony to us.
- Always be aware of yourself and intellectual behavior.
- Keep faith in god. Always believe, god is super most power in the universe.
- Analyze your duties or responsibilities and try to fulfill them carefully.
- Go on reading spiritual books and listen to pravachans (spiritual talks).
- Always prefer to be in the company of good people.
- Chant mantras and shlokas to generate positive energy.
4. Dharmika (Moral code of conduct)
It simply does not associate with religion of anyone. It means to do things for the welfare of public masses. We should fulfill our duties towards the society. Dharma is important for everyone. Donate your quality time or money for social welfare. Prevent yourself from getting into bad company. Always try to be helpful to society. Never be cruel to anybody. Talk with love and show concern for others.
5. Sharirika (Physical code of conduct)
Hygiene - Bath regularly. One should clean nose, ears and eyes regularly. Cut hairs and nails regularly. Take a clean bath after sexual intercourse. Avoid looking the sun directly. Apply sandalwood paste for the betterment of skin and fragrance. Practice wearing the precious and semi precious stones.
Respect and gratitude - One should respect elderly people, father, mother, teacher, saints, god, cow, elderly vaidya, and guests. Never insult them.
Care of sense organs – According to Ayurveda, the sense organs have the tendency to be always unsatisfied. If one starts to fulfill the pleasure then it will demand the same more and more. So one should always try to control them all means. One should also understand that suppression of sense organs may also results in irritation of the mind. So, we should moderately handle demands of sense organs so that they remain satisfied and remain under control and mind do not get irritated.
Clothing - Ayurveda says that the clothing is meant to protect the body from cold, hot and rain like external factors which might harm the body. In general, one should wear clean, soft and white clothes to bring happiness, success, wealth, longevity and modesty. In Summer,wear white clothes. In rainy season ,wear white or yellow colour. In winter season ,wear ,yellow and red colour.
Stick and footwear - Ayurveda advises to carry a stick particularly when traveling in a village, lonely place, through jungle for self-defense. One should always wear chappals(slippers) to protect the feet.
Turban and umbrella – Ayurveda gives great importamce to the head as it is the main seat for brain ,sense organs etc.One should protect the head by wearing turban in summer and rainy seasons, It is also advised to carry an umbrella to protect the head from environmental factors such as wind, air and cold.
10 major sins (whether verbal physical ,mental )should be avoided.
Physical sins –Violence ,Unethical enjoyement of sex and Stealing
Verbal sins – Untruthfullness, Complaining, Speaking bad words ,Giving good or bad opinion Mental sins – Planning for murder, Planning for taking away the wealth of others
Verbal sins – Untruthfullness, Complaining, Speaking bad words ,Giving good or bad opinion Mental sins – Planning for murder, Planning for taking away the wealth of others
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