
Tuesday, 6 May 2014


The word ‘Ama' means toxins generated as un wholesome product in the body due to weakening of digestive fire. This ‘Ama' is then carried by ‘Vayu' and travels throughout the body and accumulates in the weak areas of the body and responsible for manifestation of most of the diseases.

Cause of production of ama 

1. Ahara - All the food that increases kapha (water element), vata (air element) dosha and weakens the digestive fire, are mainly responsible for production of ama. Some of such food items are listed below:
  • Dairy products
  • Sweets and  oily foods
  • Chinese food or junk food items 
  • Excess salty, spicy and sour foods
  • Black gram and fish
  • Cold drinks and ice creams  
  • Drinking lots of water immediately after consuming food slows down the digestive fire by diluting the enzymes. 
  • Over eating 
  • Consuming foods out of season 
  • Unfamiliar food (asatmaya means opposite to healthy norm and non traditional foods).
2. Vihara – In our daily activities, we follow various practices that can aid in the formation of ama. They are listed below -
  • Cold breeze and excessive wind
  • Bathing with cold water
  • Lack of exercise - It leads to amavata as the circulation of blood to and removal of toxins from the periphery is impaired.
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Sleeping at the day time 
  • Emotional feelings of like passion, anger, greed, confusion, envy, grief, excitement and fear.

3. Constipation - It leads to the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body as the waste product of the digestion are not flushed out of the body.

4) Bacterial toxins are produced as a result of various infections in the body.

Symptoms of having ama in body 

  • Waking up tired after a good sleep
  • Generalized body ache
  • Coated tongue especially when we wake up in the morning 
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lack of taste
  • Thirst
  • General weakness
  • Feeling heaviness in abdomen, legs or body 
  • Fever
  • Shifting of pain in joints
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion 
  • Gas, bloating or heartburn.
  • Lack of mental clarity and energy

How to reduce the production of Ama in body?

We should avoid the possible causes that can lead to the formation of ama in body. Some of them are listed below -

  1. Drink warm water throughout the day as it will help to cleanse the systems and micro-channels of circulation throughout the day.
  2. As a home remedy, use spices like cumin (jeera), hing and turmeric (haldi) as they enhance the digestion very effectively.
  3. Avoid consuming snacks, when we are not hungry actually. Since the food already consumed is not digested by this time. Always keep a minimum gap of 3 hours between two successive meals. 
  4. Fasting can be done after a fortnight. Consume water and fresh fruits only. 
  5. Whenever there is change of season, we should fast for 15 days addressed as ritu kaal in Ayurveda. It will cleanse the internal body systems, remove toxins and prepares the body for next season.
  6. Avoid sedentary lifestyle or sleeping at day time as this activity weakens the digestive fire and enhances the formation of ama.
  7. Avoid emotions like passion, envy, grief, excitement and fear as they affect the cellular metabolism.
  8. Avoid constipation as it leads to accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. Castor oil and triphala churna helps to get rid of constipation.
  9. We should increase the intake of katu, deepan and pachan herbs. Kutki, sonth and garlic are very effective in enhancing metabolism. Thus, minimizes the production of ama.
  10. We should facilitate the removal of ama (toxins) from the body by purification procedures as mentioned in panchkarma.
  11. Various yoga postures help to stimulate liver and lessen the production of ama. For example – Vajraasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Shalabhasana, Kapalbhati  and Bhastrika.
  12. We should try to enhance the working efficacy of liver as it will increase the BMR in the body and reduces the formation of ama.
  13. Adopting proper sleep pattern, maintains the agni in the body.
  14. Consume heavy meals at noon, as it will facilitate the digestion.
  15. Don’t eat too much in dinner as the food is not digested properly and assimilated in body. It will lead to formation of ama. Preferably, consume light foods at night.
  16. It is also very important to set a routine time for taking main meals in a day as biological clock sets in and releases digestive enzymes at a particular set of time.
  17. It is advised to go to sleep before 10pm at night otherwise pitta will induce the need of midnight meal which will further produce ama.
  18. Wake up before 6 am, it will cleanse the body channels naturally.
  19. Manage stress (by yoga, meditation) as it adversely affects the agni and creates ama.
  20. Go for daily exercise regimen as this will keep body fit and fine. It will maintain the AGNI (metabolism at cellular level) in body.
  21. Chew the food properly in mouth as it will help in mixing of enzymes in saliva and enhance the digestion and will lessen the ama.
  22. Ayurvedic herbal preparation like lavana bhaskar churna can be used to enhance impaired digestion.
  23. Sweating (hot water bath, sun therapy)
  24. Adding sour fruits in diet like lemon, grapefruit and cranberry as they are good for cleansing micro circulatory channels.
  25. Avoid consuming direct sugar as it produces ama. You can consume honey as it bears low calorie.

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