Immunity is the vital energy of the body. It is the power of the body to prevent or fight infections. If we have strong immunity, we will not catch infections very easily.
As children grow up, they prime their immunity by battling an ongoing series of germs, viruses and other organisms. That is why many pediatricians consider six to eight colds or flu or ear infections per year as normal.
In case of children, we can help them in daily practice to enhance the immunity so as to prevent from cough, cold and flu. We should encourage some do’s and don’ts in their life.
As children grow up, they prime their immunity by battling an ongoing series of germs, viruses and other organisms. That is why many pediatricians consider six to eight colds or flu or ear infections per year as normal.
In case of children, we can help them in daily practice to enhance the immunity so as to prevent from cough, cold and flu. We should encourage some do’s and don’ts in their life.
- Consume fresh fruits and leafy vegetables.
- Beans, whole grain wheat and legumes are really good.
- Blue berries are rich in anti-oxidants and good for enhancing your child's immunity.
- The micro - nutrients required for boosting immune system are vitamin C, zinc, iron, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium and selenium.
- Pay particular attention to the hygiene before and after each meal. Also take care of hygiene after playing outside, handling pets, blowing their nose and using the bathroom.
- Encourage a sound sleep in your baby. Newborns need up to 18 hours per day, toddlers require 12 to 13 hours and preschoolers need about 10 hours.
- New mothers should be encourage to give Colostrum, the thin yellow "premilk" that flows from the breasts during the first few days after birth. It is especially rich in disease fighting antibodies.
- Encourage the child for exercise and activities. Exercise increases the number of natural killer cells in adults and regular activity can benefit kids in the same way.
- Allow to play in dirt or outdoors for sometime. Exposure to trace amounts of pathogens can give the immune system a workout. On the other hand, exposure to the outdoors may mean children come into contact with more potentially beneficial microorganisms that can support their bodies own cells in fighting infection.
- Feed your child less sugar and other sweeteners.
- Keep your babylean. Obesity can depress the immune system by interfering with the ability of white blood cells to produce antibodies. Recent researches had shown that overweight babies get twice as many infections as lean babies.
- If your child is in part- or full-time daycare, insist on careful hand washing while handling your infant. As much as possible, keep your child away from those who are coughing and sneezing.
- Excess medication reduces immunity and weakens our body. So, the more you medicate your child, the more likely he/she is to fall sick again.
- Processed foods like white bread, white pasta and anything made from maida should be avoided as it can suppress natural immunity. We should opt for healthy choices like unprocessed rice and brown rice as it can serve as wholesome meal and can be consumed daily.
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