Gunas are impulse or influence. They are simply defined as character or quality. As the physical level, body is governed by vata, pitta and kapha. In the same way, three maha gunas are mentioned in ancient texts which govern our mind (manas). All these 3 types of gunas are present in everyone but each may be displayed in different contexts.
- Satva (Purity)
- Rajas (Action)
- Tamas (Impurity)
The qualities of satva, rajas and tamas, predominant in the mind and can be altered according to lifestyle, diet and mental attitudes. Rajas (passion) and tamas (lethargy), are considered to be the causes of mental illness. All three gunas and their constitution in body affect the body and its functions
- Satva (Purity) - It touches the spiritual aspects of life. More satva content in a body, more pure it is. Satvik personalities are those who are divine, pure and spiritual. It is considered as a very good natured person, very calm, intelligent and intellectual personality. He or she possesses positive aura around the body. Their company is really energizes us. Such individuals always work for the welfare of the world. He speaks compliments and avoids bad language, is never envy and is unaffected by greed and selfishness.
- Rajas (Action) - This guna greatly signifies the activities of mind and represents the emotions like anger, fear, hope, envy, pride and hate. Person with more rajas in body are over-active. Different and irrelevant thoughts keep on running in their mind.
- Tamas (Impurity) - represents the dark side of mind. Lethargy, mental weakness, tension, poor memory and sluggishness are main characteristics of tamas.
All three gunas are equally responsible for the manifestation of various feelings in our mind. Balance of three gunas in body make mind strong and prepare it to bear emotions whether bad or good.
We can not avoid any of the three temperaments of mind as they all are equally important for us. They are required by the mind to perform various activities whether good or bad. But we should maintain equilibrium among gunas so as to keep the mind functioning well in good direction. We should try to follow sattvic diet and lifestyle so as to prevent tamas (evil) to rule over mind.
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