
Wednesday, 7 May 2014


According to Ayurveda, ahara (food), nidra (sleep) and brahmcharya (maintaining control over sexual urges) are three pillars of good health. As pillars provide support to a building and hold it firmly, these 3 pillars provide the basis of good health in human beings.

  1. Ahara (Food) - The first and foremost of all three is food which serves as a fuel for our body. It provides us energy to do various activities. Every bite of food contributes to our health. Poor diet will lead to poor health and good nutritious diet will lead to good health. According to Ayurveda, we should consume food as per seasonal and daily regimens at regular intervals. Avoid junk food or unhealthy foods. Ayurveda recommends best foods for different individuals according to their prakrirti and dosha (vata, pitta and kapha) constitution. Pathya (foods we should take) and apathya (foods we should avoid) are also mentioned in Ayurveda. Following this, one can avoid many diseases and lead happy life.
  2. Nidra (Sleep) - An ample sound sleep benefits us with good health and makes our body, mind and soul at rest for sometime. It re-energizes the body to do daily activities. Disturbed sleep adversely affects our health making us lethargic. Insomnia (lack of sleep) disturbs the normal body function and contributes to ill health. Sleep disorders leads to restlessness of mind. Good sound sleep is mandatory for healthy living. After a sound sleep in night, we feel better, our thoughts are clear and emotions are balanced. The ability to learn and retain any information increases. Sound sleep helps to reduce the mood disorders. Sleep keeps our heart healthy, reduces stress in body and mind also.
  3. Brahamcharya (Maintaining control over sexual urges) - It literally means ‘Abstinence from sex’. But actually it means to achieve ‘Good control over sexual urges’. Everybody has to follow family life and involve in sex to produce children. But excessive indulgence in sex can have harmful effect over the body. It weakens body and mind. We should follow brahamcharya in our life.

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