
Friday, 23 May 2014


Hair loss is not a serious health problem. If we loose up to 100 of hairs per day, it is considered normal depending on person to person or the climate.

Hair makes us look wonderful. But need a lot of care also. In modern era, undue stress, bad eating habits and pollution are quite harmful for hair. Consequently, we suffer with premature hair loss and graying of hairs. Yoga does wonder to curb hair loss and improve hair growth.

Yoga poses can help you to overcome stress, anxiety, indigestion, poor blood circulation in head, which are considered as main causes of hair loss.

Various yogic asanas like Adho Mukha Savanasana (Dog pose), Vajrasana (Diamond pose), Sirsaasana (Headstand pose), Pawanmuktasana (Wind releasing pose), Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), Ushtrasana (Camel pose) are very helpful for promoting hair growth.

Pranayama helps to maintain the blood circulation in the whole body. Various pranayamas like Anulom-vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing), Kapalbhati (Shining Skull), Udgeeth pranayama (Om chanting) enhances circulation in head and prevents the hair fall.

Meditation reduces stress, tension and anxiety at physical and mental level as well. Therefore, people experiencing hair loss should start practicing a suitable meditation technique to calm their mind and promote hair growth.

Along with this, we should consume healthy diet and follow healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet comprising of fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, protein rich diet like pulses, sprouts, eggs, fish, and dairy products.  In fact, the good thing about practicing yoga poses for hair loss is that you are not only rejuvenating hair growth but also reaping the benefits that yoga will have on your entire body.

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