
Tuesday, 20 May 2014


How much calories we take?
That is important but when to take is more significant question.

If you want to lose weight and be in shape, you should focus not just on what you eat, but also when you eat specifically the biggest meal of the day. We should prefer to consume our three major meals of the day regular at right time. According to Ayurveda, 24 hr day corresponds to the different doshas. Vata (air) in the morning, pitta (fire) in the afternoon (10am to 2 pm) and kapha (earth) in the evening. We should consume more in afternoon at pitta time when our digestive fire is high. Digestive fire in our body is directly linked to the position of sun. When the sun is hot in the afternoon, digestive fire is also high and starts diminishing as the sun sets in.

When we wake up in the morning after 8-10 hours of sleep, we feel fresh and energized .We should consume breakfast with in two hours. We can start day with some fruits to cleanse the internal system and after that we can take some food item but never skip breakfast. Because we should fuel in our body to do work.

Afternoon is the time when pitta dominates the body. At that time, we are ready to digest heavy meals like chapattis, vegetables and proteins. It is the time when our digestive fire is enough to burn the meals. But, unfortunately, we are too busy in the day to have fixed time for lunch and consume it later which leads to weight gain. Preferably between 10am to 2pm, an ideal time for having lunch .Moreover, we should eat majority of meals before 3 pm, to decrease the load on digestive system.

As the sun sets in, our digestive fire also lessens in strength from daytime to nighttime. At night, it is kapha time and our digestion slows down and the body prepares for sleep. We should consume light dinner which is easily digestible. We should consume food around 2 hours before going to sleep as it gives sufficient time to body to digest food. If we take light dinner at right time, our food is digested properly and ama (toxins) production is minimized which the main cause of diseases is according to Ayurveda. Moreover, night is the time when our body heals. Our body gets sufficient time to repair, revitalize and rejuvenate ourselves.

Keeping a regular time for major meals of the day helps in digestion also. Since a biological clock sets in, digestive system starts secreting enzymes at particular timing on its own. It is the reason why we feel hungry at fixed time of day. For example – At lunch time in office/school/college.
We can help our digestive system in following ways -

·         Right food
·         Right quantity 
·         Right and regular time

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